
What is the mood of “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”?

Here is the answer and explanation to the question What is the mood of “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”?

What is the mood of “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”?

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In the famous poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost, a rider on a journey stops his horse in somebody else’s woods and watches the snow as it falls. Several different moods are evoked in this poem.

The overall mood in the poem is contemplative. The rider has simply stopped his horse in the woods to watch the snow and think. He is unafraid even though it’s “the darkest evening of the year,” and he is unaffected by the fact that he imagines his horse must think it strange that he is stopping in this isolated location.

The rider is also in an appreciative mood. He recognizes that “the woods are lovely, dark and deep,” and he appreciates the silence in which the only sound is the sweep of the snowflakes.

The rider has a mood of responsibility. He is aware of the fact that he cannot stay long to enjoy the lovely silent snowfall, because he has made promises that he must honor and he has miles more to travel before he can lay down in his own bed and sleep.

The rider may feel a touch of envy. He does not own these woods—somebody else does. To appreciate this beautiful spectacle of the falling snow in the dark woods, he has to trespass on another person’s property. He may want to linger longer, but besides the obligations that urge him onward, he cannot stay because he does not own this land.

| Certified Educator

The mood of the poem’s narrator is one of longing. He stops in the midst of a busy journey to watch the snow fall. He is in the woods, on horseback, and it is, he says, the “darkest evening of the year.” We as readers can imagine the beauty of the white snow falling against the dark woods.

The speaker would love to stay right where he is, watching this beautiful and still scene. However, he must move onward. He has places to be. He really has no time to linger. As he states:

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Using simple language, the poet captures one of those fleeting moments in which, no matter how busy we are, we are so struck by the beauty around us that we feel compelled to stop and appreciate it. The poem captures the longing we all have to be less harried and to experience the world’s beauty more fully.

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