
Is the title of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” suitable?

Here is the answer and explanation to the question Is the title of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” suitable?

Is the title of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” suitable?

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| Certified Educator

The title is certainly pretty basic, but then, so, in some ways, is the poem itself. I think the appropriateness of the title depends on what you think the poem’s message is. Is the poem about a tired and busy man who finds temporary, but much needed, solace by observing the silence and tranquility and beauty of the snowy forest at night? If so, do you find the poem’s title to be fitting? I do, because it foregrounds the natural setting that is so arresting to the narrator. Or, is the poem about the obligations and responsibilities that can sometimes prevent us from really enjoying the beauty of the natural world around us—the duties that keep us doing what and going where we really want? If so, the setting is a reminder of this, and it is juxtaposed with the narrator’s sense of his duties, and so the title seems appropriate for this reason. Perhaps you disagree or even believe that the poem has a different message?

| Certified Educator

Yes, the title “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” is appropriate for the Robert Frost poem.  The narrator of the poem is on his way somewhere with his horse when he stops in the woods.  It is wintertime and the woods are “[filling] up with snow” on the dark evening.  The narrator notes that his horse must be confused that they are stopping in the woods instead of at a house.  The horse even shakes his head because he does not know why they have stopped.  The narrator observes how “lovely, dark and deep” the woods are on that winter evening.  The woods are almost silent when the narrator stops.  All that he can hear are the bells on his horse’s harness jingling, the wind blowing, and the snowflakes falling.  It appears that the narrator wants to stay longer in the woods, but he has “miles to go before” he can rest.

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