
Which character do you find most interesting? Why?

Here is the answer and explanation to the question Which character do you find most interesting? Why?

Which character do you find most interesting? Why?

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Just to be a bit “wild” in my response here, I think the most interesting character is the rocking horse itself. Although it is an inanimate object, there are heavy hints that it is somehow possessing Paul, draining him of his life and energy, and giving him the winners of the races. It is never directly stated if this is the case however, and thus an aura of mystery surrounds the rocking horse and we as readers are left to try and piece together what we know of it and how it impacts Paul. I like characters which have real ambiguity surrounding them!

| Certified Educator

I agree with Linda-Allen.  As a mother myself, I find the mother the most interesting, yet deplorable, character.  I cannot imagine treating my boys the way she treated Paul.  She is a selfish, self-absorbed person who doesn’t consider Pauls’ wants and needs. This bothers me immensely each time I read the story. 

| Certified Educator

This question is very subjective, meaning that it is asking for your opinion. Only you can answer a question like this because only you know how you feel and what you think. I can give you my opinion, but it won’t help you at all: It will be what I think and why I think that way.

Think about each of the characters. Is there one that whose behavior or attitude puzzle you? If you could put yourself into the story, is there someone you’d really like to talk to and ask questions of? The character who does that for me is Paul’s mother. I’d love to have a talk with her and ask her why she puts herself and what she wants ahead of her own child. She’s not a very good mother–or person.

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